Call of duty Zombies

What  up my readers welcome back I know I have not posted in a long time but I just needed to some thinking on what I was going to write about but then it hit me. 
All gamers know call of duty zombies and the call of duty alien mode on call of duty ghost.
So I was watching a video about black ops three and the hypothicans. I don't care if I spelled that wrong leave it be. so back to the subject so in the video they were talking about how they brought the hypothicans in to the world which they are the ones that sent element 115 knowing that we will create the zombies. but this is not the first time we met the hypothicans. We first met these alien beings in call of duty ghost one of the worst call of duty ever. played a big part in this theory. So in the mode extinction we are face with a alien race that attacks us because of the bombs we droped on earth  woke the sleeping alien race. So as we see in black ops three this is the first time we see are main characters meet this race. So how come they have not dealt with them before this is because this is a  different time where they have not traveled but where the hypothicans have lived and they have been there for a long time this is the begging of there existence. you can connect these aliens to the one in black ops three by how they look. The aliens are red and orange and the scorpions are green and kinda yellow. and all the aliens in black ops three look like this with some of them being related. 
If you look the marquas  the big green guys glow yellow green from there mouth and the flys that come out like the dogs they are yellow ish green and they also spit or shoot like the scorpions in call of duty ghost. The main little aliens look like the big aliens in the cut scenes but these aliens are bigger like way bigger but they still have the same teeth same color glow but I think these are the mother ships or transports or these are what they have evolved into. So what do you guys think of this theory on the aliens in bo3 vs call of duty ghost. 
I will talk to you guys later.      
